Great post. The task for the country is simple when you've laid it out like this, but not easy. In different times perhaps this govt's 'manage the books' policies might have been good (I'm trying to be open minded) but they have not recognised they came in at almost a 'now or never' point left to them my all previous governments. A fork in the road and we've taken the wrong one. Unless we can get the agriculture sector to also recognise the long term problem rather than trying to protect their turf we're never going to make it.

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Good luck with persuading this government to provide settings to encourage risk investment. Everything itโ€™s done so far has been to reinforce the message that the sensible investment is residential real estate. The government even discourages investment in industrial real estate to house new ventures, the most conservative end of the venture world.

This government is all talk. We will be no further ahead when theyโ€™re thrown out.

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